home – Therapy Dogs
Therapy pets willingly give of themselves and have unconditional love and acceptance of the elderly and handicapped, whether adults or children. They should be able to motivate people to talk, reminisce on the past, or accomplish something they haven’t done or tried in years. It could be as simple as a smile or one spoken word, but it could be the first time this has happened in forever. Therapy animals often produce “miracles” by their mere presence.
They can be of any breed: mixed-breed, purebred, small, large, retired from showing, or active showing. Dogs should be familiar at least with Novice Obedience and, preferably, Advanced Obedience work and should know or learn some tricks. Dogs are expected to get along with other dogs well, as they will work in close surroundings with other pets. Dogs must get along with adults and children and be comfortable in new and unusual environments.
Aggression on any pets part is not tolerated in this program for obvious reasons. No shyness, or nervousness around strangers or large crowds should be exhibited.
Our Volunteer Therapy Dog teams travel throughout Kentucky to schools, hospitals, libraries, and nursing homes to share happiness and provide education (for example, our Therapy Dogs help kids enhance their reading skills through the “Books and Best Friends” program). Ask us about visiting your facility.
Articles on our Therapy Dog Teams
University of Louisville, School of Law
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Kentucky University Destress Day
Buddy Up Reading Program Ed Davis Learning Center Georgetown, KY
McCready Manor
PAWS to Read Program, Madison County Library
866-411-PAWS (7297)
Training Center:
We do Boarding in our home and the dogs go where we go. They are never in a kennel run and they are worked into our family’s daily routines.
Make a General Donation to
help us continue our work with
Service and Therapy Dogs